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Why should you and your child should study music
Educational Benefits
In schools in which principals and vice principals say the quality of their music education programs is excellent or very good, graduation rates are 90.9%, and attendance is at 93.8%.
87% of teachers and 79% of parents strongly believe music education has a positive impact on overall academic performance.
89% of teachers and 82% of parents rate music education highly as a source for greater student creativity, a 21st century skill that’s highly likely to help young people stand out in an increasingly competitive global economy.
Research reveals strong connections between rhythm skills and pre-reading abilities in toddlers.
Health Benefits
Studies show that music can trigger the brain to release chemicals that distract the body from pain.
Musical training is thought to improve nervous system function by focusing attention on meaningful acoustic cues, and these improvements in auditory processing cascade to language and cognitive skills.
Children who receive musical instruction have more robust brainstem responses to sound as adults than peers who never participated in music lessons. These results suggest that neural changes accompanying musical training during childhood are retained in adulthood.
Cognitive and neural benefits of musical experience continue throughout the lifespan, from childhood through senior adulthood, and counteract some of the negative effects of aging, such as memory and hearing difficulties in older adults.

Cognitive Benefits
Everyday listening skills are stronger in musically-trained children than in those without music training. Significantly, listening skills are closely tied to the ability to: perceive speech in a noisy background, pay attention, and keep sounds in memory.
In order to fully reap the cognitive benefits of a music class, kids have to be actively engaged in the music and participate in the class.
In a 2009 study in the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers used an MRI to study the brains of 31 6-year-old children, before and after they took lessons on a musical instrument for 15 months. They found that the music students’ brains grew larger in the areas that control fine motor skills and hearing—and that students’ abilities in both those areas also improved. The corpus callosum, which connects the left and right sides of the brain, grew as well.
Music training leads to greater gains in auditory and motor function when begun in young childhood; by adolescence, the plasticity that characterizes childhood has begun to decline. Nevertheless, our results establish that music training impacts the auditory system even when it is begun in adolescence, suggesting that a modest amount of training begun later in life can affect neural function.